Bayes theorem

In science, we are typically interested in \(p(H|D)\), where \(H\) is our hypothesis and \(D\) are our evidence/data. To get this quantity, we need Bayes theorem:


Bayesians refer to \(p(H)\) as priors (i.e., our prior belief on each hypothesis). Then, we learn from the data through the likelihood \(p(D|H)\) and we update our beliefs about the different hypotheses given the data, summarized in the posterior \(p(H|D)\).

Notice that this updating of beliefs can be done sequentially as new evidence/data arises. For example, say that we originally just have one evidence/dataset \(D_1\). Based on this, we can calculate:


Say that we then obtain another piece of evidence/dataset \(D_2\). We can then calculate:

\[p(H|D_1,D_2)=\frac{p(D_2,D_1,H)}{p(D_2,D_1)}=\frac{p(D_2|D_1,H)p(D_1|H)p(H)}{p(D_2|D_1)pD(_1)}=\frac{p(D_2|D_1,H)}{p(D_2|D_1)}\times p(H|D_1)\]

In this equation, we are updating our current belief regarding hypothesis \(H\), denoted by \(p(H|D_1)\). In other words, \(p(H|D_1)\) is our new “prior” because it consists of our belief prior to seeing \(D_2\). If you think about it, these equations are really nice because they reflect in a very principled way how we intuitively think science works (i.e., as evidence accumulates, we should be able to have increasingly greater (or less) confidence on a particular hypothesis).


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